Monday, February 1, 2010

Made it to Whistler Squared!

I'm Heeere!

What a trip. It was actually a great trip. Many places I'd like to go back to for a longer than a 2 minute stay. Osoyoos being one of them. Driving down Regal Ridge intot he townsite was pretty cool. Now I know why many people flock there in the summer time. And not just for the vinyards and their fruits.

I actually made great time and had great weather most of the way to Vancouver ending up at my friends Kim and Laura. To be greated with hugs and puppy kisses form Brinkley and the dreamiest sleep under their silk duvet.

Its always great when you get to stop and be with old friends, knowing I can just be. And playing with Brinkley just gave me the extra motivation to forget about my sore shoulders and hit the raod to go see my own pup, who I haven't seen in months! Whistler here I come!

And it was awesome to get here. The highway up is to say the least...FAST! Well maybe not the highway but the drivers! I'm so glad to just be here and be able to park the car. I can now walk most places or jump on the bus for free right outside Jim's house, very convenient.

There are 135 new buses in town for the events some of them brand new hydrogen buses.

We went for a walk yesterday, as it was warm and not raining to see the medals plaza. Ya a little more work to be done there before its ready!

Lots of people around right now, but minimal compared to what it'll be like in a week or so.

Today is a day of rest for me, or for play with Whislter.

Speaking or which he's telling me...IT"S TIME! For you know... W A L K

Tomorrow I get to pick up my uniform, which are really very nice, and as Kimmy put it, very slimming.

Here's to a day of rest!


  1. Woo Hoo First Follower!! I think...still trying to figure out this computer thing ;-) Great to hear from ya girl. I love this blog idea! Can't wait to live vicariously through you for the next 28 days. Maybe go into it with a Paula work ethic, I don't think the Margo strategy would go over very well in that setting ;-)
    chat soon

  2. Great to hear you made it! Love you lots and enjoy your time off! Ciao bella! Val xx

  3. WAHOO!!! What an adventure you have ahead of you!
    Look forward to hearing all your news and experiences.
    big hugs to you

  4. Hey baby, We're thinking of you and sending all the best! Have fun and enjoy being in the action. Those opening ceremonies were soo cool, how was it from your seat:)


    Lani, Mark & Névé
